業務銷售工作,不僅僅是銷售商品與服務,為了獲取客戶信賴,該如何理解客戶需求,站在客戶角度思考,是業務人員不可缺少的能力。本課程以循序漸進的架構,用最簡單的方式與案例,幫助您建立業務上的邏輯思考,並掌握新時代業務不可缺少之解決問題能力,讓業務不只是銷售,成為客戶心中最值得信賴,能夠長期合作的顧問夥伴。 Sales are not only about selling goods and services, but also about understanding customers' needs and thinking from their perspective. This course uses a step-by-step framework with the simplest ways and cases to help you establish logical thinking in business and master the problem-solving skills that are indispensable in the new era of business, so that business is not just about selling, but also about becoming the most trustworthy and long-term consulting partner in the hearts of customers.
賈桂琳/時刻行銷有限公司 創辦人
電商邁入Z世代元年 你準備好面對「數位原生世代」了嗎? 對於Z世代來說『網路、手機、電腦』,等同於人類生存三大條件『陽光、空氣、水』一樣重要! 消費慣性與過往完全不同,無法忍受較長的廣告,同時也常使用廣告攔截軟體進行杜絕,因此投放廣告的行銷手法,已無法在他們的身上產生太大的作用... 想要擄獲Z世代的心,就要先贏得他們的認同,掌握幾個關鍵就能與Z世代更加靠近,完成無痛下單。
金融科技(Financial technology,也稱為FinTech)隨著行動支付、物聯網與AI智能等技術興起,逐漸取代傳統金融業務的服務模式,為金融發展帶來顛覆性的破壞式創新。本課程將透過行動支付技術、區塊鏈、AI智能等多項創新技術與金融科技的應用案例說明,帶領各位走入金融科技領域,掌握FinTech發展趨勢。 Financial technology (also known as FinTech) has gradually replaced the traditional financial services model with the rise of mobile payment, the Internet of Things, and AI intelligence technologies, bringing disruptive innovations to financial development. This course will lead you to the field of FinTech and grasp the trend of FinTech development through case studies of mobile payment technology, blockchain, AI intelligence, and other innovative technologies and FinTech applications. # 你可以在課程中學到甚麼? What can you learn from this course? 1.習得金融科技專業知識 Gain expertise in FinTech. 2.掌握國內外金融科技之實務脈絡 Master national and international FinTech practices. 3.開展宏觀格局 Development of the macro landscape. 4.能夠分析、預測金融科技未來發展趨勢 Ability to analyze and predict future trends in FinTech.