業務銷售工作,不僅僅是銷售商品與服務,為了獲取客戶信賴,該如何理解客戶需求,站在客戶角度思考,是業務人員不可缺少的能力。本課程以循序漸進的架構,用最簡單的方式與案例,幫助您建立業務上的邏輯思考,並掌握新時代業務不可缺少之解決問題能力,讓業務不只是銷售,成為客戶心中最值得信賴,能夠長期合作的顧問夥伴。 Sales are not only about selling goods and services, but also about understanding customers' needs and thinking from their perspective. This course uses a step-by-step framework with the simplest ways and cases to help you establish logical thinking in business and master the problem-solving skills that are indispensable in the new era of business, so that business is not just about selling, but also about becoming the most trustworthy and long-term consulting partner in the hearts of customers.
Microsoft Taiwan
✅ 擷取 Outlook、Teams 中客戶資訊,自動匯入 CRM 資料庫 ( Salesforce, Dynamics 365 ) ✅ Teams 開會自動生成對談紀錄、代辦事項、推薦下一步跟進 ✅ 結合 AI 「情感分析功能」瞭解顧客正負面評價