蔡幸紋/勵謹律師事務所 律師
協助中小企業經營者正確理解並實踐消費者保護法,以之為核心價值預防及處理消費爭議,從而創造良善的經營環境、提供優質的商品服務,強化整體競爭力。課程重點: 消費者保護法介紹 訂席、外燴(辦桌)服務定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項 實務案例解析
翁朝亮/喜堂茶葉股份有限公司 總經理 黃騏曼/紫莉集團 創辦人
Amazon Web Services
Enterprises that are embracing cloud computing are interested in driving fundamental changes in their business so they can compete in the future. IT transformation, enabled by cloud adoption, is a key component of this future success, from tighter alignment with business unit stakeholders to increased agility and pace of innovation. In this video we explore what is behind this transformation, top concerns organizations have about this transformation, and what AWS is doing to help customers. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
柯忠佑/松澄會計師事務所 會計師
尤子彥 總監/「大店長讀書會」創辦人 陳柏蓉/欣欣龍精密工業 經理 李偉恩 顧問
N世代學苑線上直播沙龍第二集 邀請大店長讀書會創辦人尤子彥總監,由實戰班校友欣欣龍精密工業陳柏蓉經理、數位導師李偉恩顧問分享轉型經驗。 分享如何讓公司上下一條心共同奮鬥,不僅成功讓ERP系統起死回生、產線更透明順暢,更讓公司員工改變思維,提昇梯隊整體學習氣氛!
Amazon Web Services
JPMorgan Chase is using AWS to evolve its business for today’s technology revolution. In this video, CIO Lori Beer describes how AWS service breadth, enterprise understanding, and willingness to collaborate are helping JPMorgan Chase make this journey. JPMorgan Chase is a 200 year-old financial institution with $3.2 trillion and operations worldwide. The company uses Amazon EMR for trading analytics and AWS Lambda and Amazon EKS for risk calculations, and it is building its firm-wide AI platform, OMNI AI, with Amazon SageMaker. With AWS, JPMorgan Chase is becoming more agile, secure, and efficient. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
洪瑋良/家飛貿易有限公司 UNB 商業顧問
藉由影片吸引精準客人如何靠矩陣增加曝光量。 課程主要目標是要讓店家定位明確抓到潛在客戶, 更了解行銷以及知道不只有廣告才能導流, 對於廣告外的行銷更容易有所認知。
Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series Most organizations already have a wealth of institutional knowledge and cultural practices that are well established in tenured staff members. This can be used to the organization’s advantage if the existing staff is given an opportunity to learn how to marry institutional knowledge and culture with cloud technologies. In this video, we will explain the differences between building teams for the cloud versus building teams for traditional IT, where to start, and what AWS is doing to help scale your staff. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
許旭安 / 未來巢科技股份有限公司共同創辦人暨營運長
關於「AI助力財務新時代 數位工具應用大揭密」,一系列課程邀請多位資服業者分享AI財會數位工具的優點與實作應用,讓中小企業主或是創業者對AI財會數位工具有深入的了解,並可以進一步選擇合適的財會數位工具。
鄭俊德/閱讀人主編 宣明智/宣捷集團創辦人暨公信電子董事長
Boston Dynamics is excited about a new opportunity in the research world. Along with NVIDIA, Boston Dynamics has been working toward an exciting new robot capability that integrates hardware and software. Discover how the NVIDIA AGX Orin took the robotic ecosystem to a new level, unlocking opportunities in the AI and cloud spaces.
Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series Whether you are moving a small application or entire datacenters, migrating to the cloud can be a complex process. In this video, we highlight the areas you should think about when it comes to your migration, some best practices and tools that can help in your journey to the cloud, and why you should really think through your entire migration beforehand. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道