Amazon Web Services
“Working backwards” is the peculiar, customer-centric mechanism that lies at the heart of every product and service we develop at Amazon. Join this session to learn more about how we use five customer questions and the press release and FAQ (PR-FAQ) format to think deeply about our customers’ needs, clarify customer benefits, and invent on their behalf. Learn more about re:Invent 2020 at 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
Microsoft Taiwan
帶你正確理解 Azure OpenAI 用戶可以享有的 Microsoft Azure 安全性功能,讓你打造最佳的 Azure OpenAI 應用體驗。 讓微軟專業講師帶你了解:
洪瑋良/家飛貿易有限公司 執行長
認識何謂團購及其能帶來的好處。 藉由團購提升企業業績以及消費者對品牌的認知。 了解團購的種類及彼此之間的差別為何。
李文欽 / 工業技術研究院科技產業發展組 組長;黃經堯 / HYPE GVA Taiwan 計畫主持人;Avi Benbenisti / 國際少年運動會委員會 副會長
賽事科技轉型與青年參與之關聯 1. 科技與運動結合—5G智慧運動應用 2. 賽事科技轉型與青年參與之關聯 3. 青年運動賽事與學校運動組織 4. 國際交流座談
朱彩鳳 / 中華民國高級中等學校體育總會 秘書長;吳昇府 / 愛爾達體育台 記者 / 主播;Jung Won Han / 江原道 2024 年冬季青年奧林匹克運動會組委會 經理;Torsten Rasch / 國際少年運動會委員會 榮譽會長;Chulwon Shin / 國際少年運動會委員會 副會長
青年運動賽事及綠色概念應用 1. 國內外青年參與運動賽事的概況並結合綠色賽事 2. 臺灣選手參與青年奧運之經驗分享 3. 國際少年運動會賽事辦理分享實例 4. 韓國大邱 2023 夏季國際少年運動會 5. 國際交流座談
黃文輝/工業技術研究院綠能所 碳管理技術總監
康正男 / 亞洲運動管理協會 理事長;陳建源 / 志合訊息股份有限公司 WhiizU執行長;Wirdati Mohd Radzi / 亞洲運動管理協會 監事;劉家傑 / 中華自行車永續聯盟協會 代表
自由車與綠能永續的推廣 1.運動淨零 賽會永續 2.從運動科技到新運動賽事 3.馬來西亞的體育治理:水肺潛水產業之規範 4.國際交流座談
Amazon Web Services
Amazon content moderation services and solutions provide automation and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to implement a reliable content moderation solution without requiring machine learning expertise, to protect users from harmful exposure, while reducing content moderation costs, and safeguarding the organization from risk, liability, and brand damage. Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services
Experimentation and collaboration drives innovation, and the cloud makes this practice readily accessible. Organizations are encouraged to embrace ideation and testing – and even failure. With the agility and speed of the cloud, teams can quickly build, experiment, and launch new services. In this video, we discuss how the culture in an organization can change as a result of cloud, how to navigate some of the challenges presented by this change, and finally some best practices to help to help you through this transformation. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
LINE官方行銷代理 李中琪
1.品牌行銷經營指南 2.使用GA4累積第一方數據 3.LINE Tag建立品牌受眾戶 4.透過LINE官方設計有趣品牌互動
Microsoft Taiwan
Copilot Studio: 以低程式碼方式輕鬆建立和擴展 Copilot,打造專屬企業的 AI 應用。 Power Platform 的創新: 見證 Power Platform 如何發展成為以 Copilot 為中心的開發平台,讓每個人都能參與開發,加速創新解決方案的誕生。 Microsoft 365 中的 Copilot: 分享微軟內部使用 Copilot 的實際案例和經驗,了解 Copilot 如何改變工作模式,提升企業生產力。 誠摯邀請你一同參與,探索 Copilot 如何引領未來工作模式,開啟企業轉型新篇章!
古偉君/程澈科技有限公司 創辦人 黃彥慈/蹦創意 品牌總監
Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series One of the main reasons organizations migrate to the cloud is to save money. However, the traditional approach of analyzing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) no longer applies when you move to the cloud. In this video, we identify the areas that makeup TCO of cloud, some best practices for looking at costs, and ways to benchmark success when moving to cloud. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series AWS's breadth of services and pricing options offer the flexibility to effectively manage your costs and still keep the performance and capacity your business requires. With AWS, you can easily right size your services, leverage Reserved Instances, and use powerful cost management tools to monitor your costs, so you can always be on top of your how much you’re spending. In this video, we explain the 5 pillars of cost of optimization, the importance of continually optimizing your costs, and address some common misconceptions around cost optimization. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series The journey to the cloud is an opportunity to transform outdated operations and development practices. DevOps, Agile software development, and Design Thinking are some of the popular methodologies used today to successfully speed delivery of new products and features and create a more customer-centric mindset. In this video, we highlight some of the differences in developing in the cloud rather than with legacy IT solutions, what it means to experiment with AWS and how it works, and what makes AWS a great partner for organizations who are looking to develop new products in the cloud. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道