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何藹然/證券櫃檯買賣中心新創發展部 組長
創櫃、興櫃知識分享 證券櫃檯買賣中心提供資本額較小的中小型公司「股權籌資」平台,讓團隊以股權為回饋,拿到專業投資人與一般大眾的資金,本課程可了解 創櫃與興櫃的基本知識。
Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series The journey to the cloud is an opportunity to transform outdated operations and development practices. DevOps, Agile software development, and Design Thinking are some of the popular methodologies used today to successfully speed delivery of new products and features and create a more customer-centric mindset. In this video, we highlight some of the differences in developing in the cloud rather than with legacy IT solutions, what it means to experiment with AWS and how it works, and what makes AWS a great partner for organizations who are looking to develop new products in the cloud. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
黃文輝/工業技術研究院綠能所 碳管理技術總監
邱炳坤 / 國立體育大學 校長;周宇輝 / 國立體育大學 教授;Yun Seok Choi / 亞洲運動管理協會 副理事長;游恩寧 / 哈彼科技股份有限公司 共同創辦人暨營運長
各國綠色場館推廣 1.運動的永續發展 2.永續理念之推廣與實踐 3.運動空間文化的形成性評量 4.國際交流座談
Amazon Web Services
Experimentation and collaboration drives innovation, and the cloud makes this practice readily accessible. Organizations are encouraged to embrace ideation and testing – and even failure. With the agility and speed of the cloud, teams can quickly build, experiment, and launch new services. In this video, we discuss how the culture in an organization can change as a result of cloud, how to navigate some of the challenges presented by this change, and finally some best practices to help to help you through this transformation. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
張嘉仁 / 經濟部中小及新創企業署創業顧問
Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series AWS's breadth of services and pricing options offer the flexibility to effectively manage your costs and still keep the performance and capacity your business requires. With AWS, you can easily right size your services, leverage Reserved Instances, and use powerful cost management tools to monitor your costs, so you can always be on top of your how much you’re spending. In this video, we explain the 5 pillars of cost of optimization, the importance of continually optimizing your costs, and address some common misconceptions around cost optimization. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
彭韻婷律師/匯信英倫法律事務所 楊貴智站長/法律白話文運動
近幾年因為社群軟體興起,更多企業投入社群網路行銷的行列,但許多種小企業因為較缺乏時間與金錢製作宣傳文案行銷自身產品,使得中小企業經常傾向運用現有素材製作文案,此時將會產生一個重要的問題,行銷時所使用的素材是否符合法律規範合理使用的範疇呢。 因此本集節目邀請到賴郁樺律師,希望透過律師的智財專業與經驗跟大家分享在商業用途中如何正確的使用智慧財產權保障自己權益,也避免侵害到他人權益。
張嘉仁 / 經濟部中小及新創企業署創業顧問
古偉君/程澈科技有限公司 創辦人 黃彥慈/蹦創意 品牌總監
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Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series The business case for cloud computing goes beyond total cost of ownership (TCO). AWS helps organizations reduce time to market and time spent on undifferentiated work and improve application availability. In this video, we will explain what the Cloud Value Framework (CVF) is all about, provide some examples of customers who have realized value using CVF, and share some best practices on how to ensure you realize the most value from AWS. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
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Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series One of the main reasons organizations migrate to the cloud is to save money. However, the traditional approach of analyzing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) no longer applies when you move to the cloud. In this video, we identify the areas that makeup TCO of cloud, some best practices for looking at costs, and ways to benchmark success when moving to cloud. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道