Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series The journey to the cloud is an opportunity to transform outdated operations and development practices. DevOps, Agile software development, and Design Thinking are some of the popular methodologies used today to successfully speed delivery of new products and features and create a more customer-centric mindset. In this video, we highlight some of the differences in developing in the cloud rather than with legacy IT solutions, what it means to experiment with AWS and how it works, and what makes AWS a great partner for organizations who are looking to develop new products in the cloud. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
Amazon Web Services
Enterprise Video Series Most organizations already have a wealth of institutional knowledge and cultural practices that are well established in tenured staff members. This can be used to the organization’s advantage if the existing staff is given an opportunity to learn how to marry institutional knowledge and culture with cloud technologies. In this video, we will explain the differences between building teams for the cloud versus building teams for traditional IT, where to start, and what AWS is doing to help scale your staff. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
何建明/中央研究院 研究員
徐瑞元/ 叡揚資訊股份有限公司 財會軟體產品經理
Amazon Web Services
“Working backwards” is the peculiar, customer-centric mechanism that lies at the heart of every product and service we develop at Amazon. Join this session to learn more about how we use five customer questions and the press release and FAQ (PR-FAQ) format to think deeply about our customers’ needs, clarify customer benefits, and invent on their behalf. Learn more about re:Invent 2020 at 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
Amazon Web Services
JPMorgan Chase is using AWS to evolve its business for today’s technology revolution. In this video, CIO Lori Beer describes how AWS service breadth, enterprise understanding, and willingness to collaborate are helping JPMorgan Chase make this journey. JPMorgan Chase is a 200 year-old financial institution with $3.2 trillion and operations worldwide. The company uses Amazon EMR for trading analytics and AWS Lambda and Amazon EKS for risk calculations, and it is building its firm-wide AI platform, OMNI AI, with Amazon SageMaker. With AWS, JPMorgan Chase is becoming more agile, secure, and efficient. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
Amazon Web Services
Enterprises that are embracing cloud computing are interested in driving fundamental changes in their business so they can compete in the future. IT transformation, enabled by cloud adoption, is a key component of this future success, from tighter alignment with business unit stakeholders to increased agility and pace of innovation. In this video we explore what is behind this transformation, top concerns organizations have about this transformation, and what AWS is doing to help customers. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
Amazon Web Services
Experimentation and collaboration drives innovation, and the cloud makes this practice readily accessible. Organizations are encouraged to embrace ideation and testing – and even failure. With the agility and speed of the cloud, teams can quickly build, experiment, and launch new services. In this video, we discuss how the culture in an organization can change as a result of cloud, how to navigate some of the challenges presented by this change, and finally some best practices to help to help you through this transformation. 本影片來源為 AWS YouTube 頻道
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