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【AI產業應用】Training Your Workforce to Use Generative AI | Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

A training for executives, non-technical business leaders, business decision makers, and technical decision makers to explore the steps an organization takes to upskill talent.

星等星等星等星等星等 3人評鑑

LINE官方行銷代理 李中琪

1.品牌行銷經營指南 2.使用GA4累積第一方數據 3.LINE Tag建立品牌受眾戶 4.透過LINE官方設計有趣品牌互動

星等星等星等星等星等 12人評鑑
【AI產業應用】Why is Now the Best Time to Embrace Generative AI?

Amazon Web Services

A training for executives, non-technical business leaders, business decision makers, and technical decision makers to explore why and how generative AI works.

星等星等星等星等星等 4人評鑑

中華經濟研究院綠色經濟研究中心 薛翔之 分析師


星等星等星等星等星等 5人評鑑
以職能為基礎的績效管理 Function-based performance management


本課程涵蓋管理框架下的三個基本主題:績效管理發展、職能發展與應用、職能基礎的績效管理。 This course covers three basic topics under the management framework: performance management development, function development and application, and function-based performance management.   首先,績效管理發展,是希望主管與部屬藉由溝通討論,對於工作期望及表現進行以提供有助於未來發展的建議與回饋,協助工作績效提升,使主管與部屬能與企業策略目標方向一致。 Firstly, the development of performance management is expected to help supervisors and their staff to improve their performance by communicating and discussing job expectations and performance to provide suggestions and feedback for future development so that supervisors and staff can align with the direction of corporate strategic goals.   第二個主題將職能發展與應用,以冰山理論來談論職能,身為主管或是HR都必須要善用人才,學習如何判斷職能落差並了解認識平衡計分卡BSC,掌握多種可能的措施,了解您應該衡量哪些關鍵領域,以便獲得清晰準確且有用的數據。 The second topic will focus on functional development and application, using the iceberg theory to talk about functions, as a supervisor or HR must make the best use of talent, learn how to determine functional gaps, and understand the Balanced Scorecard BSC, master a variety of possible measures, and understand which key areas you should measure to obtain clear and accurate and useful data.   本課程的最後一個主題是職能基礎的績效管理。通過我們的課程,您將學習調整績效管理方法以滿足個人需求的方法。 The final topic of this course is performance management with a functional base. Through our course, you will learn ways to adapt your performance management approach to meet your individual needs.    

星等星等星等星等星等 0人評鑑
NT$ 3,590
聊天機器人企業應用與使用者介面設計 Chatbot Enterprise Application and UI Design


隨著科技快速發展,很多企業開始追求更人性化的使用者介面設計,如聊天機器人和智慧語音的需求則是近年來成長幅度最大的部份。然而,有許多企業導入聊天機器人,但最後卻沒創造出成果,能夠與業務成長有所連結,最終僅得到人工智慧及機器學習的數據資料記錄而已。 在這個課程上,你將瞭解到聊天機器人的基本技術,聊天機器人的類型和不同類型的聊天機器人的案例,接著將透過課程你將可以發現聊天機器人的應用範圍,以及如何創造顧客體驗價值,也能學會如何設計製作聊天機器人的使用介面。 With the rapid advancement of technology, numerous enterprises are pursuing more user-friendly interface designs. The demand for chatbots and intelligent voices has seen significant growth in recent years. However, despite the introduction of chatbots by several companies, they have failed to generate results linked to business growth. Ultimately, they've only amassed data records in artificial intelligence and machine learning.  In this course, you will gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of chatbot technology, explore the various chatbot types and their examples, and develop the skills to identify chatbot applications for enhancing customer experience. You will also discover how to design and construct chatbot interfaces that deliver value to your customers.

星等星等星等星等星等 0人評鑑
NT$ 3,590
商業場景中邏輯思維訓練與實踐 - 技巧篇 Logical Thinking Training and Practice in Business - Techniques


這門課程的主要目標在於協助學員培養卓越的邏輯思維能力,特別針對商業領域所需的高度思辨和分析技能。課程將引導學員採用金字塔結構思考模式,這種方法被廣泛認為是解決複雜問題的極佳工具。 The primary goal of this course is to assist students in cultivating excellent logical thinking skills, particularly those highly sought after in the business realm, such as critical thinking and analytical abilities. The course will guide students in adopting the pyramid thinking model, widely recognized as an excellent tool for tackling complex problems.   金字塔結構的思考方法具有層次化的特點,其核心理念是從基本問題開始,然後逐層深入,最終到達問題的核心,並找到最佳解決方案。這種方法強調將問題分解成更小、更易處理的部分,以確保每一個層次都得到充分的思考和分析。學員將學會如何運用這種思考框架,以更系統性、有條理地處理各種商業挑戰。 The pyramid thinking method is characterized by its hierarchical nature, with the core concept being to start from fundamental questions, then delve layer by layer until reaching the core of the problem, and finding the optimal solution. This approach emphasizes breaking down problems into smaller, more manageable parts to ensure each level is thoroughly considered and analyzed. Students will learn how to apply this thinking framework to address a variety of business challenges systematically and coherently.   在課程中,我們將深入探討以下內容:   1.問題拆解: 學員將學習如何將複雜的問題分解成可管理的子問題,以便更容易處理和理解。   2.邏輯推理: 我們將強調邏輯推理的重要性,幫助學員建立扎實的思考能力,使他們能夠清晰地表達自己的觀點。   3.問題分類和整合: 學員將學會如何分類不同類型的問題,以及如何整合多個層次的分析,以提供全面的解決方案。   4.根本原因分析: 課程將教授學員如何識別問題的根本原因,而不僅僅是處理表面的症狀。這將有助於制定更持久的解決方案。   5.論點建構: 學員將學會如何建立堅實的論點,以支持他們的觀點,並能夠以邏輯清晰的方式向他人傳達。   In this course, we will delve into the following topics:   1.Problem Decomposition: Students will learn how to break down complex problems into manageable sub-problems for easier handling and understanding.   2.Logical Reasoning: We will emphasize the importance of logical reasoning to help students build a strong thinking capacity, enabling them to express their viewpoints clearly.   3.Problem Classification and Integration: Students will learn how to categorize different types of problems and integrate analyses from multiple levels to provide comprehensive solutions.   4.Root Cause Analysis: The course will teach students how to identify the root causes of problems, rather than just addressing surface symptoms, leading to more enduring solutions.   5.Argument Construction: Students will learn how to construct solid arguments to support their viewpoints and convey them logically to others.   這門課程的最終目標是培養學員成為具有出色邏輯思維和問題解決能力的專業人才,他們將在商業領域中更加自信,能夠迅速、準確地回應各種挑戰,並提供創新和實用的解決方案。無論是在團隊中合作,還是在個人決策中,這種思維方式都將成為學員事業成功的堅實基礎。 The ultimate aim of this course is to develop students into professionals with outstanding logical thinking and problem-solving capabilities. They will gain confidence in the business domain, able to swiftly and accurately respond to various challenges and provide innovative and practical solutions. Whether collaborating within teams or making individual decisions, this mindset will serve as a solid foundation for their career success.

星等星等星等星等星等 0人評鑑
NT$ 3,990
商業場景中邏輯思維訓練與實踐 - 基礎篇 Logical Thinking Training and Practice in Business - Fundamentals


本門課程的主要目標是幫助培養卓越的邏輯思維能力,特別是針對商業領域所需的高度思維辨別和分析技能。課程將引導採用金字塔結構思維模式,這種方法被廣泛認為是解決複雜問題的優秀的工具。 The main objective of this course is to help cultivate excellent logical thinking abilities, particularly the highly discerning and analytical skills required in the business field. The course will guide the adoption of the pyramid structure thinking model, which is widely regarded as an excellent tool for solving complex problems. 金字塔結構的思考方法層次化的特點,其核心理念是從基本問題開始,然後逐層深入,最終到達問題的核心,並找到最佳解決方案。這種方法具有強調將問題分解成更小、更容易的特點。處理的部分,以確保每個層次都得到充分的思考和分析。學員將學會如何運用這種思考框架,以更有系統性、有條理地處理各種商業挑戰。 The hierarchical nature of the pyramid structure thinking method, with its core concept of starting from fundamental issues, then delving layer by layer to reach the core of the problem and find the best solution, is emphasized. This approach is characterized by breaking down problems into smaller, more manageable parts to ensure thorough thinking and analysis at each level. Participants will learn how to apply this thinking framework to handle various business challenges in a more systematic and organized manner. 在課程中,我們將深入探討以下內容: In the course, we will delve into the following topics: 1.問題拆解:學員將學習如何將複雜的問題分解成可管理的子問題,以便更容易處理和理解。 Problem Decomposition: Participants will learn how to break down complex problems into manageable sub-problems for easier handling and understanding. 2.邏輯推理:我們將強化邏輯推理的強調,幫助捕捉建立聽覺的思考能力,使他們能清楚表達自己的觀點。 Logical Reasoning: We will emphasize logical reasoning to help participants develop their critical thinking skills, enabling them to express their views clearly. 3.問題分類與整合:學員將如何對不同類型的問題進行分類,以及如何整合多個層次的分析,以提供全面的解決方案。 Problem Classification and Integration: Participants will learn how to classify different types of problems and integrate analyses from multiple levels to provide comprehensive solutions. 4.根本原因分析:課程將教授如何識別問題的根本原因,而不僅僅是處理表面的症狀。這將有助於制定更持久的解決方案。 Root Cause Analysis: The course will teach how to identify the root causes of problems, not just address surface symptoms, leading to more enduring solutions. 5.目前的論點:學員將學會如何建立精美的論點,以支持他們的觀點,並能夠以邏輯清晰的方式向他人傳達。 Presenting Arguments: Participants will learn how to build compelling arguments to support their viewpoints and communicate them logically to others. 本門課程的最終目標是培養成為具有良好邏輯思維和問題解決能力的專業人才,他們將在商業領域中更加自信,能夠迅速、準確地應對各種挑戰,並提供創新和實用的解決方案。無論是在團隊中合作中,還是在個人決策中,思考方式都將成為事業成功的輝煌基礎。 The ultimate goal of this course is to nurture professionals with strong logical thinking and problem-solving abilities who will be more confident in the business arena, capable of quickly and accurately addressing various challenges, and providing innovative and practical solutions. Whether in team collaboration or individual decision-making, the thinking approach developed in this course will serve as a solid foundation for career success.

星等星等星等星等星等 0人評鑑
NT$ 3,990
日本商業型戰略式簡報 Japanese Business-Style Strategic Presentation


在這個注重視覺美感的網路世代中,視覺呈現的美感是每個多才多藝的人必備的技能。透過製作吸引人眼球的商業簡報,再結合清晰的邏輯結構,您能輕鬆地將您的知識或技術視覺化,有助於推廣您的產品或服務。 想知道如何讓更多人認識您的品牌嗎?本課程將從商業簡報的策略目的到製作呈現的邏輯結構,為各位講解如何製作一份對目標受眾有價值且訊息正確的精美簡報,提升您的商業簡報製作能力,輕鬆讓更多人認識您的品牌。希望您也能透過極具感染力的簡報,讓更多人認識您的產品或服務,成功提升品牌競爭力! In today's world, everyone needs to have good graphic design skills. You can exhibit your expertise and advertise your products or services by making captivating business presentations and organizing them logically. Do you want your brand to be more well-known? This course teaches you how to create a stunning presentation that is meaningful to your intended audience and effectively conveys your message. You will enhance your presentation skills and expand brand awareness. We hope you'll be able to use a powerful presentation to let more people know about your products or services and successfully enhance your brand's competitiveness!

星等星等星等星等星等 0人評鑑
NT$ 3,990
5G時代的專管理能力突破 Agile Project Management


敏捷專案管理(agile project management)專注於速度、簡單性和持續改進,同時完全以客戶為中心。在5G數位化的時代下,新的商業目標因應時代而生,傳統專案管理模式已無法時刻靈活應用在不斷變動的大環境裡。 Agile project management focuses on speed, simplicity, and continuous improvement while remaining completely customer-centric. In the era of 5G digitalization, new business goals are emerging in response to the times, and traditional project management models are no longer flexible enough to be applied in the ever-changing environment. 身為專案項目之管理者,需要擁有快速的敏捷思維,並採用最具效率的開發模式,才能促進專案團隊溝通,在最短的時間內「產出、檢視、改善」,優化專案流程,打造符合客戶需求的創新產品或服務,提升團隊創造力,並為企業獲取最佳價值與利益,讓商業目標得以最大化的實現。 As a project manager, you need to have a fast and agile mindset and adopt the most efficient development model to facilitate project team communication. 

星等星等星等星等星等 0人評鑑
NT$ 3,590
顧問式業務銷售策略 Consulting Business Sales Strategy


業務銷售工作,不僅僅是銷售商品與服務,為了獲取客戶信賴,該如何理解客戶需求,站在客戶角度思考,是業務人員不可缺少的能力。本課程以循序漸進的架構,用最簡單的方式與案例,幫助您建立業務上的邏輯思考,並掌握新時代業務不可缺少之解決問題能力,讓業務不只是銷售,成為客戶心中最值得信賴,能夠長期合作的顧問夥伴。 Sales are not only about selling goods and services, but also about understanding customers' needs and thinking from their perspective. This course uses a step-by-step framework with the simplest ways and cases to help you establish logical thinking in business and master the problem-solving skills that are indispensable in the new era of business, so that business is not just about selling, but also about becoming the most trustworthy and long-term consulting partner in the hearts of customers.

星等星等星等星等星等 0人評鑑
NT$ 4,190
金融科技於消費金融創新業務應用系列課程 FinTech Innovative Business Applications Course


金融科技(Financial technology,也稱為FinTech)隨著行動支付、物聯網與AI智能等技術興起,逐漸取代傳統金融業務的服務模式,為金融發展帶來顛覆性的破壞式創新。本課程將透過行動支付技術、區塊鏈、AI智能等多項創新技術與金融科技的應用案例說明,帶領各位走入金融科技領域,掌握FinTech發展趨勢。 Financial technology (also known as FinTech) has gradually replaced the traditional financial services model with the rise of mobile payment, the Internet of Things, and AI intelligence technologies, bringing disruptive innovations to financial development. This course will lead you to the field of FinTech and grasp the trend of FinTech development through case studies of mobile payment technology, blockchain, AI intelligence, and other innovative technologies and FinTech applications. # 你可以在課程中學到甚麼?   What can you learn from this course?    1.習得金融科技專業知識 Gain expertise in FinTech.    2.掌握國內外金融科技之實務脈絡 Master national and international FinTech practices.    3.開展宏觀格局 Development of the macro landscape.    4.能夠分析、預測金融科技未來發展趨勢 Ability to analyze and predict future trends in FinTech.

星等星等星等星等星等 0人評鑑
NT$ 4,390